WOW!Dimitar Berbatov proved one more time that he is one of the best players in the world right now. Earlier this week Dimitar scored a goal against his old team Bayer in UEFA Cup and he qualified Spurs to the next phase. Today he was amazing again and he scored a goal against Wigan and he assisted for another two goals. What can we conclude?Dimitar its getting his form back and I would like to see what will happen next week against Arsenal. I predict at least one goal from Berbatov and Spurs to get the win which will be not a surprise.
Superb Berbatov!
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Posted by
5:43 PM
I Am Proud Of Loko Sofia
Thursday, November 23, 2006
My favorite soccer team in Bulgaria is Lokomotiv Sofia and I just want to tell you that I am proud of them because they brought the happiness back to me. After ten years of exile we are back on the European scene and we almost kicked out major soccer team. Well let me tell you we will be back in 2007 and Lokomotiv Sofia will get into the groups of UEFA cup no matter what people say. It’s a fact we have the second best team in Bulgaria and just the lack of confidence keeps us from getting the first place. The next year will be very interesting for Loko and how they will do in the second half of the season. I hope they keep their form up and I hope that we don’t sell anyone in the winter break because we need to get into the groups of UEFA this time. That’s it, thank you IRONS!
Posted by
4:02 PM
Rumors About CSKA Sofia
Monday, November 20, 2006
Well as you know I am not a big fan of CSKA Sofia but they are a Bulgarian club and there is a lot of interesting things going on with them. First of all the owner owns the biggest betting company in Bulgaria called Eurofootball which speaks many things. Also I was surprised why CSKA is loosing points and now I know, its because of gambling interests. Its all over the world, so Bulgaria wont be exception. Also there is rumors that Mital a huge business man who deals with metal is about to buy CSKA, however I don’t think this will happen because the current owner doesn’t have interest to sell his team at the moment because there are many players he can make money off. We will live and see but what I am thinking is that the owner of CSKA will give his some the major market shares and he will control the team. It makes sense to give it to his son however his son doesn’t know anything about soccer, imagine controlling a soccer team. Funny things happen in Bulgarian soccer
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5:32 PM
Interesting Final Weeks
Sunday, November 12, 2006
I am looking forward to the end of the Bulgarian A Group half season because I want to see what kind of funny things will happen in it. Well we have the Bulgarian Cup which will bring many “surprises” which means some teams will sell their games in order to survive and some just for the money because their plans don’t include the cup so they just decide to make the best of it. We will see but believe me it will be very interesting.
Posted by
3:43 PM
I Dont Like This Soccer
Friday, November 10, 2006
When I was a small kid around 7-8 years old I was a huge fan of the Champions League. Oh by what kind of games I watched. I remember all the small details about everything. However that is not the point, the point is that the soccer now doesn’t have to do anything with the soccer before 10 years. The soccer was different we had players like Romario Ronaldo and many more. How about the greatest defender Franco Baresi…or the great Edvin van der Saar, playing for Ajax. Well now soccer is all about the money and its terrible, especially Chelsea they are ridiculous. They bought so many players and nothing. Thanks Roman you are great but not in soccer. The fact that you spent so much money on players that didn’t even get one goal (Shevchenko) its saying that you should leave this sport. I loved Premiership until Roman came because it became so boring, nothing new, we know who is the champ and that’s it. Boring very boring, look the Championship its great also I like UEFA cup because simple teams play for pride not for money. If soccer continues that way it will end up bad
Posted by
3:34 PM
Bulgarian Soccer
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Why the Bulgarian soccer isn’t the same as Belgium or even Greek? That’s the question that makes me crazy. Lets look in geographical point of view, Bulgaria its in Europe so this means that the talents are almost the same. Here comes the problem, in Bulgaria every talent has been successfully shut down by the Bulgarian Reality. It’s a fact that if you don’t have money to give to bribe the coach or someone higher in the club where your kid plays he will never go to play. Not to mention that the circumstances are terrible and who wants to play soccer with ripped balls from the 90`s on a field that looks like a tomato garden. It’s a very bad situation right now in Bulgaria and people ask why there isn’t a good national team? Because the players of the “national” team have been helped to get there either with connections or money. Managerial interests play huge role and the coach Soichkov is working for the managers because they give him money to put certain players in so they sell the player outside Bulgaria.
Posted by
1:23 PM
Who is Martin Petrov
Friday, November 03, 2006
Here is a profile of one of the best Bulgarian players this days.
If you want more info just tell me and I will put it up shortly
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12:11 PM