The results speak for themselves. Real Madrid lost against Getafe today. No surprise at all. Ronaldo with red card in the end and very poor performance from both teams. Chelsea with minimum win against Reading!Yep Reading!Whats wrong with this multi million teams?Well lets start with the questions:Where is Shevchenko and Ballack?How about R.V.Nisterlooy?Hmmm they are playing every single game, but lets be honest THEY SUCK!What happened to them?We can only guess but I am sure its something related to money. The connection between coaching staff and administration in both Real and Chelsea is just TERRIBLE!From what I have been hearing Real coach doesnt pick the selection. Everything is advertisment. Why is still Ronaldo playing?Look at him!Fat and seems to me that the last thing he thinks about its soccer. Ronaldo had his years, he was AMAZING! PHENOMENO called in Brazil doesnt even get closer to what he used to be.
Shevchenko the same situation. In AC Milan he was scoring machine! Now because of money he doesnt have 2 goals this season and its been what 10 games?20? I will follow the sityation closley in this teams, I have the feeling that sometime soon there will be transfers!And believe me it wouldnt be surprising if SHEVA goes back where he belongs: Italy or R.V.Nisterlooy in England!
We will see....

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