Hey guys, toady as I was surfing the internet I came across this web site that really got my attention. It is a dating site for Black Singles and I think that this is pretty neat idea. As we all know there are so many dating web sites on the net, however there never was a web site for Black Singles. Now there is and with its great services and members I think it will become one of the leading dating web sites on the net. If you are interested you need to join today.
New Black Dating Community
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Posted by
6:35 PM
Bulgaria - Albania 0:0
Today was another dark date in the Bulgarian soccer. After all the preparations and the words that Stoichkov said, I was thinking that we are going to win with like 3 or more goals. However today things didn’t happen the way I wanted them to. So first of all the game ended 0-0 and the worst part is that we could’ve been the losers of this game if the Albanian “soccer” players were really soccer players. The Albanian team is terrible and I don’t see how Bulgaria had a problem with them. Now all the hopes for Euro 2008 are gone and we are waiting the World Cup 2010 qualifiers. Ok people see you later.
Posted by
6:29 PM
Summer Is Coming
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Hey guys as you know the summer is coming and I am ready for it. I just did some of my summer clothing shopping and let me tell you that I am very happy with it. I bought some swimming shorts and also sunglasses. However I was planning on buying some t-shirts when I came across this Just Tees t-shirt store. I liked most of the stuff there and I am still deciding which t shirts I will get. Anyways, the summer is the greatest season ever and my advice to you is to be ready for it now because we never know when this Global Warming thing will hit us.
Posted by
6:37 PM
Important Day!
Hey guys as you know tomorrow is a big day for the Euro 2008 qualifiers. I am very excited and I want Bulgaria to win with at least 3 goals. Albania isn’t anything special and I think that the fact that Berbatov costs more than the whole Albanian team speaks a lot. Well I think the result will be 3-1 and Bulgaria will keep on fighting to get to Euro 2008. There are many games tomorrow and I will make a post to share my opinions on all of them. Of course there will be surprises and we will see what they will be, however I am assuming that they will be in Spain and England. We will see.
Posted by
6:34 PM
Download Anime directly trhough HTTP and fast
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Posted by
6:25 PM
Video About DImitar Berbatov
Hey guys, I found this video on YouTube and I decided to share it with you. I am doing this because right now Dimitar Berbatov is the best striker in the world and I think we should give him credit for this. So here is the video I hope you like it.
Posted by
6:22 PM
Great Soccer Program
Hey guys, as we all know soccer is the greatest sport in the world. Its all over the globe and they called it for a reason the KING of sports. I am a huge soccer fan and I have been all over the world watching soccer games. I spend most of my time looking in the internet soccer stuff and today I came across this great web site. It offers Professional Soccer Training and the sweet part about it is that it offers training abroad and learning language while you are there. If you want you or your kid to become a great soccer player that is the first step. I think this program its amazing and that everyone who thinks that their kid has some talent in soccer should sing them up.
They offer a great .mp3 file which is an interview with the creator of the program, you can find it right HERE.
Posted by
5:30 PM
Cristiano Ronaldo
Posted by
5:22 PM
Cheap International Calls
Posted by
3:58 PM
Petrov Is Back!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
As you know the time has come for the next round of the European Qualifiers for the Euro 2008. Bulgaria will face Albania and the good news is that the ex captain of the team Stilian Petrov is back. After long talks with the coach Stoichkov, they have decided to forget about their problems and do everything for the good of the team. There are mixed feelings about the coming back of Petrov, however I think that he will lead Bulgaria to the win against Albania. BTW the Bulgarian league is getting very interesting and tomorrow there will be some key games. I will report on them late tomorrow. See you later people.
Posted by
3:29 AM
Projector Rental
Monday, March 12, 2007
Hey guys, as I told you already I will have a party at my house for the basketball tournament. I came across this web site that offers computer projector rental and I immediately singed up for a projector because this will make my party the best in the neighborhood. We will have it at my living room and it will be awesome. There will be many people and I think that this party would be a lot of fun. Its great when people are having a great time in my house. With this projector it will be just unforgettable.
Posted by
3:19 PM
Fill Your Brackets!
Its this time of the year that the March Madness is here again. You can see people betting on their brackets and doing them everywhere. Since I am not a big basketball fan I was thinking that this wont get in my way, however I did already 8 and I am thinking that this is a great experience. This tournament will be awesome and I hope that Florida wins because they are the winners in almost every bracket I have. There will be a March Madness party and I will enjoy this time as much as I can. I love gambling and I hope I will win some cash. Ok people good luck and participate in as many brackets as you can. Nobody knows when you will be the lucky one.
Posted by
3:16 PM
Christian dating site
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Hey guys, I just wanted to share something I came across today. It’s a great web site for people who are Christians and want to experience some Christian Love. I was impressed with the amount of people they had registered and I think that this is a great idea. There are many people there who are looking for Christian Love and finally they found the right place to meet them. I recommend this web site, because simply its great for single Christians.
Posted by
6:44 PM
Devils - Penguins
Hey guys, they are playing right now and it’s a very nice game I love hockey. The Pens are loosing 2-1 right now but this will change and I think that they will win the game. However I am still not happy with the fact that the Pens haven’t got a deal on their arena yet. The reason is that there is so many idiots in Pittsburgh and the biggest one is the mayor who doesn’t have idea what he is doing The last mayor of Pittsburgh got stadiums for the Pirates and the Steelers but for the Pens there isn’t anything because the current mayor sucks and should be taken down! I want a new arena in Pittsburgh!!
Posted by
6:35 PM
Dating Site For Single Moms
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Hey guys, today I was surfing the net and I came across this unusual and great web site. It is the place where Single Parents can meet the right person they have been searching for all those years. This web site is great and I think that you are a single parent you should consider visiting this web site, because it will be in a great help to you. There are millions of Single Parents out there, so if you are one of them check this great web site.
Posted by
6:55 PM
Champions League Tuesday
Hey guys, today was one of the greatest soccer days ever. First of all let me start with the amazing game between Barcelona and Liverpool. Liverpool went trough and I told you that yesterday. The only thing that spoiled my celebration of great soccer was the lucky win of Chelsea over Porto. I am tired of them and I hope they get Manchester United next round so they receive what they deserve. In Spain Valencia kicked out Inter and in the end of the game there was a huge fight. In France Lyon went out of the competition for my surprise Roma was playing decent soccer today and they won.
Tomorrow there is more interesting games.
Posted by
6:43 PM
Monday, March 05, 2007
Posted by
5:42 PM
Champions League Games
Hey guys, I just wanted to share with you my opinion on the games that are going to be played this Tuesday and Wednesday. I think that Liverpool, Milan and Manchester United are already in the next phase. However I think that we are going to see some pretty tough matches like Arsenal – PSV and Bayern – Real. I think that PSV and Bayern will go trough the next phase, simply because they are better teams in terms of organization. I am really excited about this round in the Champions League and I think that we are probably going to see some penalties which would be sweet. I guess we will find out tomorrow and on Wednesday.
Posted by
5:34 PM
Boston Flower Delivery
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Hey guys, today is the national holiday in my home country. There is a tradition which says that you need to give flowers to the closest people to you and including your relatives. Currently my aunt is living in Boston and I decided to send her flowers for this great day. I found this great Boston flower delivery web site that offers amazing bouquets. The company is called Digital Flowers and they are number one delivery web site. They offer other gifts such as chocolates, teddies, balloons and gift baskets. I am very happy with their service and I think that I will use them for other flower deliveries all over the USA. Enjoy your weekend.
Posted by
8:39 AM
Liverpool - Manchester United 0:1
Today Manchester United made a huge step towards wining the Premiership They won against Liverpool in a great game. I loved it. O Shea scored in the last minutes of the game which made the win even sweeter for United. I think that this game was the most important one of the season considering that Chelsea is behind 12 points. They have a game tonight against Portsmouth however I think they will get a tie because they need to save their players for the clash against Porto this upcoming week. Right now I am watching Arsenal and they are showing good soccer, however Reading isn’t such a great team and I think that the real challenge is going to be against PSV and if the Dutch side defends well Arsenal will be out of the Champions League.
Posted by
8:33 AM
Surf Time!
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Hey guys, as you know I love to surf and the spring break is coming, this means that I am going to surf. I am going to Brazil to see my friends and surf with them for one week. I am really excited because Brazil is where everything is better. So next month I will be in Brazil with my surf and reef sandals, on the beach chilling and relaxing. I know my friends are already waiting me and I think we will have a huge party when I come back. The beautiful women, beaches and weather are something that Brazil is famous for, I will enjoy all of them. I love surfing, and I am planning on doing this forever.
Posted by
7:42 PM
J.Porter Kicked Out!
Hey guys, I don’t know the whole story yet but I herd just now on the radio that Joey Porter, is leaving the Steelers. I am shocked, because Porter has been playing an outstanding role in the team. After Randle El left the Steelers, now Porter is leaving too. This is bad news for any Steelers fan. I cannot explain the reasoning behind this absurd decision, to kick out the toughest guy in the NFL. I think the new coach is already making mistakes which will lead to another unsuccessful season. He is not the right guy for the job and everybody knows that. However he is already appointed as a coach so there is nothing we can do about it, maybe there is, pray that he wont kick out another players because with the tempo he is going the Steelers wont have a team by September.
Posted by
7:36 PM
San Diego Flower Delivery
Hey people, I just wanted to share a great service I experienced over Valentines Day. I know this girl for like 5 years and I am always sending her flowers when February 14th comes. She lives in San Diego so I always had to call to send her the flowers until this year, when I found this San Diego flower shop on the net. I was amazed by the choices of flowers they had. The name of the company is DIGITAL FLOWERS and they deliver to many different cities and states. They deliver other gifts such as chocolates, teddies, balloons and gift baskets. So if you need to send flowers to San Diego visit the San Diego flower shop.
Posted by
7:22 PM
Penguins Win!
Posted by
7:16 PM
Great Coupon Deals
Hey guys I just wanted to share a really cool thing I found on the net today. I have found the best web site for coupon codes. Its just awesome, at the beginning I was skeptical towards it. However I called my friend who has used them before and he said that he gets huge bargains on tons of stuff. I personally think that I will use some Dell Coupons, because I will need a new computer in near future. Also I am thinking of using some of the Best Buy Coupons because I am buying a new TV since I am going to college in August. So people if you want to get huge bargains you better get your coupon codes now.
Posted by
7:09 PM
Formula 1
Posted by
7:03 PM